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Santhanam Mullu (United States)

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Comments by Santhanam Mullu (3)
Article: மகாபாரதம் - சில பயணக் குறிப்புகள்: பொறாமையின் கதை
Category: ஹரிமொழி (Mar 2015) Posted On: Apr 04, 2015
Thank you Hari. I consider it a honor that you have chosen to address the small clarification I sought. I will look forward to the clarification. It has been shown in many versions I have heard that "Arakku Maaligai plan was conceived and executed by Sakuni and Duriyodhan and Dridharashra was blocked from getting any glimpse of the plan and was oblivious of such a plan, though Pandavas took his blessings and went to stay in Arakku Maaligai" I will be grateful to hear your clarification on this. Santhanam Mullur

Article: டாக்டர். முகுந்த் பத்மநாபன்
Category: சாதனையாளர் (Mar 2015) Posted On: Apr 04, 2015
Great article. Enjoyed it just the way I do Thendral in general. Most of us read saadhanaiyaalar section to read about the great individual and also learn of the path to the greatness accomplished - becomes also a guidance for aspiring others. from that perspective it would have been more helpful to the readers if some details on the path of Dr. Mukund Padmanabhan for IIT Kharagpur (my alma mater)thru various institutions from Indian engineer, US engineer, Management expert, Finance, ultimately to Wall Street. I feel that a little paragraph on that path would have been an enhancement to this interview. Keep up the great work. We all enjoy every issue. Santhanam Mullur ----------------

Article: மகாபாரதம் - சில பயணக் குறிப்புகள்: பொறாமையின் கதை
Category: ஹரிமொழி (Mar 2015) Posted On: Mar 21, 2015
Great article from Hari as always. Can Hari please explain, elaborate on where it is shown that Dritharashtra was the one who planned and executed the "arakku maaligai plan" as stated by Hari in this article. That has not been shown like this in many versions. Will truly appreciate Hari's details on this. Thank you, Santhanam Mullur

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