May 2013: Events Calendar |
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If you want events to be included, please e-mail details to thendral@tamilonline.com. Though we try our best to provide accurate information, we urge you to check details with the host organization before attending an event. Events Compilation assistance by Ms. Lakshmi Subramaniyam, Minnesota.
| May 01 | May Day | May 12 | Mother's Day | May 15 | Sri Sankara Jayanthi | May 24 | Vaikasi Visagam | May 27 | Memorial Day | Shubha Muhurtha Days: 2, 6, 12, 13, 15, 16, 20, 22, 23, 27, 29 |  ![]()  |
May 7, 14, 21, 28 Tuesdays 12 noon. Siddha Samadhi Yoga Classes at Shiva Vishnu Temple, Livermore, California, Contact: Temple 925.449.6255, www.livermoretemple.org
May 8, 15, 17, 25 Wednesdays 6-9am. “ItsDiff” Tamil radio program every Wednesday at 90.1 FM, KZSU, Stanford, California; Contact: Srikant Srinivasa, itsdiff@gmail.com 7:45-9:15pm. Atmotsava - Silent meditation, readings, chanting, bhajans and stotrams on god, guru and self - followed by prasad; Organized by Society of Abidance in Truth; Venue: Santa Cruz, California; Contact: www.satramana.org, 831.425.7287
May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Thursdays 7:30-8:30pm. Weekly Satsanghs (Shirdi Sai Bhajans); Organized by Shirdi Sai Parivaar; Venue: Shirdi Sai Center, Sunnyvale, California; Contact: www.shirdisaiparivaar.org, 408.705.7904 7:10pm. Shirdi Sai Bhajans; Venue: Kalpataru Sai Nilayam, Evergreen Area, San Jose, California; Contact: www.thesaifoundation.org, 408.223.0999
May 4, 11, 18, 25 Saturdays 8 - 10 a.m. Shri Vethathiri Maharishi's Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY) Satsang. Session includes simplified exercise, meditation & lectures Organized by SKY Bay Area, a chapter of World Community Service Centre (WCSC); Venue : Fremont Hindu Temple, Fremont, California; Contact: www.skybayarea.org, 510.825.3567, sky.bayarea@yahoo.com. 9am. Sakthi TV presents half hour Tamil Programming in your local channel line-up. Program can be viewed in Channel 29 in Fremont; Channel 28 in Hayward, Union City, Alameda, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, Castro Valley; Channel 27 in Newark; Programs include, Tamil Karnatic & Light Music, Pattimanram, Potti, Teledrama and Event coverage from the Bay Area; www.saktitv.com 10am-Noon. Tamil Radio - Kaalai Thendral on KLOK 1170AM; Listen live @ www.arimausa.com
May 5, 12, 19, 26 Sundays 8 - 10 a.m. Shri Vethathiri Maharishi's Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY) Satsang. Session includes simplified exercise, meditation & lectures Organized by SKY Bay Area, a chapter of World Community Service Centre (WCSC); Venue: Sanatan Dharma Kendra, Sunnyvale, California; Contact: www.skybayarea.org, 510.825.3567, sky.bayarea@yahoo.com.
Bala Vihar classes at Chinmaya Mission in Danville, Fremont, Los Altos, San Jose, and San Ramon, California. Curriculum includes Tamil language instruction; Contact: 408.998.2793, sanjose@chinmayamission.org, www.chinmaya-sanjose.org/balvihar.html
10-11:30am. Satsang - silent meditation, discourse by Nome on Self-Knowledge and Self-inquiry, recitation and readings from the Upanishads; Organized by Society of Abidance in Truth; Venue: Santa Cruz, California; Contact: 831. 425.7287, www.satramana.org; Free. 5:00pm. Communion & Worship Service; Discourses by Rev. Sam Raj, Rev. Shawn Redmond; Venue: First Tamil Church of Atlanta, Alpharetta, Georgia; Contact: 404.276.2661, www.ftcatlanta.org; 10am (English) 11:30am (Tamil) 1pm (Hindi). Immanuel Lutheran Church - Church congregation of Tamil Speaking public from Asia; Location: 149-40, 11th Ave, Whitestone, New York; Contact: Rev. Dr. E.J. Rethinasamy 718.767.5656 x301, www.immanuelwhitestone.com
Shiva Murugan Temple, Concord, California Sun. May 5, Mother’s Day Puja - Devotional Music by Smt. Latha Sriram and students; Sun. May 26, Vaikasi Visakam - Bharathanatyam by Jeyanthi Sridharan & Students; Sun. Jun. 9, Murugan Puja - Bharathanatyam by Radica Giri & Students; Venue: Shiva Murugan Temple, Concord, California; Contact: www.temple.org, 925.827.0127
Amma - 2013 Spring US Tour Mata Amrithanandamayi 2013 Spring US Tour Schedule - May 24-27: Seattle; San Francisco Bay Area (San Ramon): May 30 - June 8; Los Angeles: June 10-14; Albuquerque: June 17-20; Dallas: June 22-23; Iowa: June 25-26; Toronto, Canada: June 28-July 1; Chicago: July 3-5; Washington DC: July 7-8; New York: July 11-13; Boston: July 15-18; Contact: www.amma.org |
May 3-5, 2013 9th UCB Tamil Conference; Keynote by Sri. A.R. venkatachalapathy, Madras Institute of Development Studies; Organized by Tamil Chair, University of California, Berkeley; Venue: Murray Emeneau Conference Room, 370 Dwinelle Hall, Univ. of California, Berkeley; Contact: tamil.berkeley.edu
May 4, 2013, Saturday 11am. 63rd Aradhana of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi; Talk by Sri V. Ganesan, grand-nephew of Sri Ramana Maharshi followed by Veda Parayanam and Arati; Venue: Fremont Senior Center, 40086 Paseo Padre Pkwy, Fremont, California; Contact: sunita_parasuraman@yahoo.com, 510.656.2752 3pm. Grand Pattimanram on What is needed for success in Life - Courage to pass hurdles or patience with nuances of life - Led by Thiru. Solomon Pappiah; Organized by Bay Area Tamil Manram; Venue: Centerville Junior High School, Fremont, California; Contact: Arumugam Petchimuthu: 510.364.8675, www.bayareatamilmanram.org 3pm. Vivatha Medai featuring Neeyaa Naanaa fame Gopinath; Organized by New England Tamil Sangam; Venue: Keefe Tech High School, Framingham, Massachusetts; Contact: www.netamilsangam.org 4:30pm. Amarar Kalkiyin Ponniyin Selvan; Organized by Chicago Tamil Sangam in association with Abirami Fine Arts; Venue: Oswego East High School, Oswego, Illinois; Contact: Somu Thiru: 630.689.1466, PK Aravazhi: 630.430.2158, www.chicagotamilsangam.org
May 4 & 5, 2013, Sat. & Sunday 11am - 8pm. 2013 Gruhapravesh - 7th Property Show in USA - the largest India Property show in USA; Organized by IndiaProperty.com & Priya Publications; Venue: The Irving Convention Center, Irving, Texas; Contact: 732.225.8300, 425.429.7558, 408.771.5779, 91766.27139 www.indiaproperty.com, www.priyapublications.com, priyapublications@gmail.com
May 5, 2013, Sunday 2pm. Vaanga Paesalaam & Tamil Women Achiever Award; Program features Neeyaa Naanaa fame Gopinath; Proceeds benefit Adhiparasakthi Free hospital, Melmaruvaththur; Organized by Golden Elephant Events; Venue: Montgomery High School, Skillman, New Jersey; Contact: 732.354.1150, www.goldenElephantEvents.com Double Header Concert (2:30pm) - Sankara - Rhythmical - Musical - Instrumental by Sri. Subhash Chandran; (5:30pm) SPANDA - Bharathanayam by Leela Samson & Bragha Bessell; Organized by South India Fine Arts; Venue: Spangenberg Theater, Gunn High School, Palo Alto, California; Contact: www.southindiafinearts.org 4pm. Bharathanatyam performances by Shri Krupa Dance Company Artists; A fundraiser for Concord Shiva Murugan Temple; Venue: Cubberly Theater, Palo Alto, California; Contact: www.shrikrupa.org, www.temple.org
May 10, 2013, Friday 7pm. Carnatic Vocal concert by Manasa Suresh; Organized by Shruthi Swara Laya; Venue: Shruthi Swara Laya, Fremont, California; Contact: www.shruthiswaralaya.com, 510.552.5824
May 11 & 12, 2013, Sat. & Sunday 11am - 8pm. 2013 Gruhapravesh - 7th Property Show in USA - the largest India Property show in USA; Organized by IndiaProperty.com & Priya Publications; Venue: Domain Hotel, Sunnyvale, California; Contact: 732.225.8300, 425.429.7558, 408.771.5779, 91766.27139 www.indiaproperty.com, www.priyapublications.com, priyapublications@gmail.com
May 11, 2013, Saturday 11am. Sixth Annual Day Celebrations by Thamizh Schools USA; Program features student graduations, cultural programs, thirukkual recital competition, etc.; Organized by Thamizh Schools USA; Venue: St. Alexander School Hall, Villa Park, Illinois; Contact: thamizhppalli2003@yahoo.com 2:30pm. 4th Annual Day celebrations by Alpharetta Tamil School; Program features student graduations, cultural programs, etc.; Organized by Alpharetta Tamil School, Affiliated to GATS & CTA; Venue: Lanier High School Theater, Sugar Hill, Georgia; Contact: www.alpharettatamilschool.org 3pm. Vaanga Pazhagalaam - a pattimanram headed by Prof. Solomon Pappaiyah; Program features Pattimanram, Cultural programs, Thirukkural competition and more; Organized by Southern California Tamil Sangam (socalTamil); Venue: Hoover School Auditorium, Lakewood, California; Contact: www.socaltamil.org, Venkat: 310.213.7342 5pm. Carnatic Vocal Concert by Sri. Ramakrishnan Murthy; Organized by South India Fine Arts; Venue: Center for Performing Arts, Atherton, California; Contact: www.southindiafinearts.org
May 12, 2013, Sunday 9:30am. Blood drive; Sign up for life saving appointment; Organized by Bay Area Tamil Manram; Venue: Bloodmobile, Pleasanton, California; Contact: www.bayareatamilmanram.org 7pm. Carnatic Vocal concert by Manasa Suresh; Organized by Sangati Center; Venue: Sangati Center - Subterranean Art House, Berkeley, California; Contact: www.shruthiswaralaya.com, 510.552.5824, ggavimal@sbcglobal.net 4pm. Sons of Shiva - Spring recital; Organized by Abhinaya Dance Company; Venue: School of Arts & Culture, Mexican Heritage Plaza, San Jose, California; Contact: www.abhinaya.org
May 18, 2013, Saturday 5pm. Mandolin Concert by Sri. Mandolin U. Shrinivas & Sri. U. Rajesh; Organized by South India Fine Arts; Venue: Spangenberg Theater, Gunn High School, Palo Alto, California; Contact: www.southindiafinearts.org 5pm. 3rd Annual Rang De Basanti - Dance Festival; A fundraiser for Association for India Development (AID); Venue: Veluchamy Auditorium, Balaji Temple, Aurora, Illinois; Contact: Chandra Papudesu 312.560.1074 6:30pm. Nrithyamala - A colorful portrayal of emotions; Presented by Smt. Indumathy Ganesh & Akshaya Ganesh and students of Nrithyollasa Dance Academy; Venue: Jackson Theater, Ohlone College, Fremont, California; Contact: www.nldance.com, info@nldance.com, 510.623.8230
May 19, 2013, Sunday 5:30pm. Bharathanatyam - Theme - Krishna by Sri. Shijith Nambiar & Smt. Parvathy Menon; Organized by South India Fine Arts; Venue: Mexican Heritage Plaza, San Jose California; Contact: www.southindiafinearts.org
May 26, 2013, Sunday 4pm. Carnatic Vocal Arangetram of Shrinidhi Thirumalai; Disciple of Smt. Latha Sriram and student of Sri Lalitha Gana Vidyalaya; Venue: Jackson Theater, Ohlone College, Fremont, California;
June 1, 2013, Saturday 3pm. Welcoming Kodai - A star studded light music show by Sakthi Music Band with Charulatha Mani, Sathya Prakash and Harini; Organized by Golden Elephant Events in association with American Tamil Medical Association; Venue: Piscataway High School, Piscataway Township, New Jersey; Contact: Devi Nagappan: 732.354.1150, www.goldenelephantevents.com
June 2, 2013, Sunday 4pm. Devotional Music by Sindhu Natarajan; A fundraiser for Concord Shiva Murugan Temple; Organized by Shiva Murugan Temple; Venue: Historic Hoover Theater, San Jose, California; Contact: www.temple.org, 925.827.0127
June 8, 2013, Saturday 4pm. Welcoming Kodai - A star studded light music show by Sakthi Music Band with Charulatha Mani, Sathya Prakash and Harini; Organized by Golden Elephant Events in association with American Tamil Medical Association; Venue: Sri Maha Vallabha Ganapathi Temple, Flushing, New York; Contact: Devi Nagappan: 732.354.1150, www.goldenelephantevents.com
June 9, 2013, Sunday 4pm. Yengeyum Eppodhum Sangeetham Santhosham (YESS 2013) - An enthralling evening of non-stop Tamil light music hits; A fundraiser for Bharathi Tamil Sangam; Organized by Bharathi Tamil Sangam; Venue: Spangenberg Theater, Gunn High School, Palo Alto, California; Contact: Vasudevan Nanjangud: 650.868.0510, Muthukumar Srinivasan: 408.373.1977; www.bharatitamilsangam.org, tickets@bharatitamilsangam.org
June 16, 2013, Sunday 4pm. Grand Tamil Music Concert by Charulatha Mani and Sathya Prakash with Vasanth Vaseegaran & Friend live orchestra; A fundraiser for Akshaya Home for the Homeless - Akshaya USA; Venue: Langley High School, McLean, Virginia; Contact: Balaji Srinivasan: 443.995.2657, Latha: 301.493.0428 4:30pm. YGM’s Hilarious Comedy - Venkata3; A fundraiser for Akshaya Trust; Co-presented by Abirami Fine Arts; Venue: Spangenberg Theater, Palo Alto, California; Contact: Uma Venkataraman: 408.891.9907, Siva Seshappan: 510.461.2221, Tickets: www.sulekha.com/ygm |