March 2007: Events Calendar |
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If you want events to be included, please e-mail details to thendral@tamilonline.com. Though we try our best to provide accurate information, we urge you to check details with the host organization before attending an event.
Mar. 06, 13, 20, 27 Tuesdays 12 noon. Siddha Samadhi Yoga Classes at Shiva Vishnu Temple, Livermore, California, Contact: Temple 925.449.6255, www.livermoretemple.org
Mar. 07, 14, 21, 28 Wednesdays 6-9am. “ItsDiff” Tamil radio program every Wednesday at 90.1 FM, KZSU, Stanford, California; Contact: Srikant Srinivasa, itsdiff@gmail.com
Mar. 01, 08, 15, 22 Thursdays 7:30-8:30pm. Weekly Satsanghs (Shirdi Sai Bhajans); Organized by Shirdi Sai Parivaar; Venue: Shirdi Sai Center, Sunnyvale, California; Contact: www.shirdisaiparivaar.org, 408-705-7904
Mar. 03, 10, 17, 24 Saturdays 9am. Sakthi TV presents half hour Tamil Programming in your local channel line-up. Program can be viewed in Channel 29 in Fremont; Channel 28 in Hayward, Union City, Alameda, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, Castro Valley; Chaznnel 27 in Newark; Programs include, Tamil Karnatic & Light Music, Pattimanram, Potti, Teledrama and Event coverage from the Bay Area; www.saktitv.com
Mar. 04, 11, 18, 25 Sundays Bala Vihar classes at Chinmaya Mission in Danville, Fremont, Los Altos, San Jose, and San Ramon, California. Curriculum includes Tamil language instruction; Contact: 408.998.2793, sanjose@chinmayamission.org, www.chinmaya-sanjose.org/balvihar.html
9:30am-10am - Tamil Class taught at the Hindu Temple of Atlanta, Riverdale, Georgia; Also offering Dance classes, Hatha Yoga, Adult Gita, and Balavihar class. Contact: 770.907.7102, feedback@hindutempleofatlanta.org, www.hindutempleofatlanta.org
9:30-10:30am. TAMIL WORSHIP; Venue: Faith Lutheran Church (Sanctuary), 37635 Dequindre Road, Michigan (Between 16 &17 Mile Road); Contact: Rev. Arul J Alexander 248-402-8040; tamil@faithtroy.org Web: http://www.faithtroy.org/tamil
5.00 p.m.: EMMANUEL TAMIL CHURCH; Vibrant praise & worship services. Venue: St. Michael’s Lutheran Church - Chapel, 7000 N Sheldon Road, Canton, Michigan; Contact: Rev. Sunil Noah 586 435 7057 / sunilruth@comcast.net
5.30pm - St.John’s Tamil Lutheran Congregation - Church congregation of Tamil Speaking public from Asia; Location: 47 Winthrop Street, Williston Park, New York, Contact: Rev. Rathinasamy 718.747.6242, 516.742.5858
5:pm to 6pm (EST): ‘Tamil Amudham’ Metro Detroit/Ann Arbor’s Tamil Radio program: Every Sunday at 1460 AM; Can be heard at www.wpon.com; Archives at www.tamilamudham.com; Contact: Program Director Dr. V.S Balanethiram 248.641.7684. Features news roundup, children’s program, kadhai amudham, mazhalai amudam
General Interest, Competitions, Scholarships:
North South Foundation, Organizes regional Spelling, Vocabulary, Essay Writing, Public speaking, Geography and Math competitions in most states; Registration closes in the month of March and April. Open to students in Grades 1 to 12; Contact: www.northsouth.org
The Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth, 2007 Talent Search program is underway. Registrations are open; Checkout: http://cty.jhu.edu; Grades 2 - 8;
2007 SAJA Journalism Awards; Submissions are invited from Individuals and Media organizations; Categories include Outstanding story to Photographs; Student submissions encouraged; Deadline: April 16, 2007; Checkout: www.saja.org
Mar. 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 24 (Saturdays & Sundays) Preliminary rounds for Galaata Idol 2007 and Sirippa? Seruppa? (comedy skits, comic dances, mimicry, funny songs) competitions; Finalists will perform live in the Galaata 2007 program on April 7th; Organized by Udavum KarangaL USA; Contact: www.galaata.org, idol@galaata.org, 408.868.4270 |
Mar. 02, Friday 11:30am. Promise and Peril for India in the 21st Century - A talk by Edward Luce, Washington Bureau Chief, Financial Times; And author of the book ‘In Spite of the Gods’; Organized by World Affairs Council; Venue: World Affairs Council Auditorium, San Francisco, California; Contact: www.itsyourworld.org
Mar. 04, Sunday 2pm & 7pm. Nandanar Charitram - A musical opera in Bharathanatyam; Performed by Dominique Delorme; Co-Presented by Arpana Dance Company as a part of the series titled ‘Arangam’ in celebration of the 25th anniversary; Venue: Ektaa Center, Irvine, California; Contact: www.ektaacenter.org; info@ektaacenter.org, (949) 874-3662.
4pm. RasAnubhava - An exploration of Emotions; A Bharathanatyam performance by Ms. Kavita Thirumalai; Disciple of Vidhya Subramanian, Artistic Director of Lasya Dance Company; Venue: Cubberly Theater, Palo Alto, California; Contact: kavita@gmail.com; www.lasya.org
4pm. The complete percussion ensemble: Pancha Akshara along with performing artists from India; Presented by Ghatam Maestro Sri. T.H. Subash Chandran and South India Fine Arts; Venue: Historic Hoover Theater, San Jose, California; Contact: www.southindiafinearts.org
Mar. 10 & 24 (Saturdays) 9:30-10:15am. Tamil Classes; Venue: First Parish Church; Room-201; Venue: First Parish Church, Bedford, Massachusetts; Contact: www.bostonthamil.com
Mar. 10, Saturday 4:30pm. Guru Vandhanam; A fundraiser concert for Cleveland Thyagaraja Aradhana; Presented by Sri Lalitha Gana Vidyalaya; Program includes the 15th Anniversary production of Sri Lalitha Gana Vidyalaya; Performed by Director Latha Sriram and students with Live Orchestra; Venue: Ohlone College Gary Soren Smith Center, Fremont, California; Contact: Sri Lalitha Gana Vidyalaya: 510.490.6141
6:45pm. Holy Tamil Mass, Every Second Saturday of the month; Venue: St. Joseph Parish, Mountain View, California; Contact: www.tamilcatholic.org Mar. 15, 16 & 17 (Thursday, Friday & Saturday)
8pm. Alakshaya - Invisible Veil; Natya Dance Theater’s newest production; Presented by Artistic Director Hema Rajagopalan and Krithika Rajagopalan; Program includes Post-Performance discussion on the first day & Parent/Child movement workshop and Post-Performance discussion on Saturday; Venue: The Dance Center, Columbia College, Chicago; Contact: www.natya.com, www.dancecenter.org; 312.344.8300
Mar. 16, Friday 7:30pm. An evening with Hariharan - Live in Concert; Presented by Mata Amritanandamayi Center; Proceeds go towards Tsunami Relief Activities; Venue: Ashiana, Global Mall, Atlanta, Georgia; Contact: 404.367.3536, 404.319.9155
Mar. 17, Saturday 9:30am. Andrum, Indrum Endrum - Thirukkural and Kavithai Competition; Organized by Tamil Sangam Michigan; Venue: Troy Community Center, Troy, Michigan; Contact: www.mitamilsangam.org
6pm. Women - The Untold Story; Featuring excerpts from Jagriti program; Presented by Abhinaya Dance Company and Artistic Director: Mythili Kumar; Performed by Guru Mythili Kumar and students; Venue: Louis Meyer Theater, University of Santa Clara; Santa Clara, California; Contact: www.abhinaya.org
Mar. 18, Sunday 5pm. The Real - The Myth, Comprehending the Unknown; Presented by Shri Krupa Dance Company; Performed by Guru Vishal Ramani; Venue: Historic Hoover Theater, San Jose, California; Contact: www.shrikrupa.org, Latha: 408.929.4562, Shyamala: 408.997.2702
2pm. My Favorite Story - Student Recital depicting stories from around the world; Presented by Abhinaya Dance Company; Venue: Louis Meyer Theater, University of Santa Clara; Santa Clara, California; Contact: www.abhinaya.org
Mar. 20, Tuesday 6pm. Four Years Later - American soldiers share their stories on the anniversary of the Iraq war; Organized by Commonwealth Club; Venue: Commonwealth Club, San Francisco, California; www.commonwealthclub.org
Mar. 22, Thursday 11:30am. Political Cartooning - The Art of Political Cartooning by three seasoned Political Cartoonists - Kevin Kallaugher, Editorial Cartoonist for The Economist, Tom Meyer, San Francisco Chronicle, Mark Fiore, Animated Political Cartoonist; Venue: Commonwealth Club, San Francisco, California; www.commonwealthclub.org
Mar. 24, Saturday 8am. Thirumurthy Day; Organized by Carnatic Music Association of North America (CMANA); Venue: HTCS Auditorium, Bridgewater, New Jersey; Contact: www.cmana.org, Dr. Soundaram Ramasami - 908 369 8917
4:30pm. Bakthi Maargam (Path of devotion); Bharathanatyam concert Presented by Shri Krupa Dance Company; Performed by Ramya and Anjali Kuchibatla, Disciples of Guru Vishal Ramani; Venue: Historic Hoover Theater, San Jose, California; Contact: www.shrikrupa.org, Shailaja: 408.858.7015; Free.
Mar. 25, Sunday 4pm. 7th Annual Gala Dinner to celebrate 25 year of tireless service to humanity by Udhavum KarangaL; Program includes Moves and Melodies Light music program by Ainkaran; Venue: Houston, Texas; Contact: Padmini Ranganathan 713.829.2040
7pm. Carnatic Vocal Concert by Nithyasree Mahadevan & Party; Organized by South India Fine Arts; Venue: CET, San Jose, California; Contact: www.southindiafinearts.org
Mar. 26, Monday 7-8:30pm. Sri Rama Navami Celebrations: Sri Balaji Temple of Great Lakes welcomes you for Sri Sundara Kaanda Paarayanam from Valmki Ramayanam; Venue: Sri Balaji Temple of Great Lakes, Sterling Heights, Michigan; Contact: 586.826.8711
Mar. 31, Saturday 7pm. Flute Concert by Shashank; Organized by South India Fine Arts; Venue: Saratoga McAfee Theater, Saratoga High School, Saratoga, California; Contact: www.southindiafinearts.org
Apr. 07, Saturday 7pm. Padmashree Hariharan - Live in Concert; Fund-raiser concert Organized by Sri Balaji Temple of Aurora, Illinois; Venue: Paramount Theatre, Aurora, Illinois; Contact: www.balaji.org |