February 2003 : Events Calendar |
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If you want events to be included, please e-mail details to thendral@tamilonline.com. Though we try our best to provide accurate information, we urge you to check details with the host organization before attending an event.
| Feb. 01 | Thai Amavasai | Feb. 02 | Groundhog Day | Feb. 04 | Sri Lanka Independence Day | Feb. 06 | Vasanth Panchami | Feb. 08 | Ratha Sapthami | Feb. 09 | Krittigai | Feb. 12 | Bakreeth, Lincoln's Birthday | Feb. 14 | Valentine's Day | Feb. 16 | Pournami | Feb. 17 | Maasi Magham, President's Day | Feb. 22 | Washington's Birthday | Feb. 24 | Sankatahara Chathurthi | Shubha Muhurtha Day: 3, 5, 6, 7, 12, 14, 19, 20, 21 |  ![]()  |
Ongoing: 1-4pm - Gurukul, a core set of principles and values through stories, myths, legends, and discovery-based activities. Runs through March 30, at ICC Santa Clara facilities, 3065 Democracy Way, Santa Clara, California. Contact: 408.934.1130
Museum Exhibition (thru March 9) - The Sensuous and the Sacred: Chola Bronzes from South India at Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, 1050 Independence Ave. SW , Washington, District of Columbia. Contact: 202.357.2700, asiainfo@asia.si.edu, www.asia.si.edu
Feb 3, 10, 19, 24 Mondays 6-8pm - Yoga and Meditation class with Cator Shachoy, one and half hours Iyengar Yoga followed by half hour Vipassana meditation. $12 per class/ $50 for series of 5 for CIF members, $15 per class/$60 for series of 5 for general public. 2650 Fulton Street at 3rd Avenue, San Francisco, California. Organized by Cultural Integration Fellowship. Contact: 415.235.9380,info@culturalintegration.org, www.culturalintegration.org
Feb 4, 11, 18, 25 Tuesdays 6-9am -"Mostly Tamil", Radio Broadcast, 90.1FM, San Francisco Bay Area, California. Contact: Sutha at sutha@mostlytamil.com, www.mostlytamil.com
6pm, 7pm - Kathak Dance Class with Chitresh Das, world renowned Kathak artist (Tuesdays and Thursdays), 2650 Fulton Street at 3rd Avenue, San Francisco, California. Organized by Cultural Integration Fellowship. Beginners: 6:00 p.m., Advanced: 7:00 p.m. Contact: 415.759.8060, info@culturalintegration.org, www.culturalintegration.org
6:15-7:45pm Yoga class, Beginners' series, by Karen Scura, at Dancing Yogi studio, 14598 Big Basin Way, Saratoga, California. Contact: info@dancingyogi.com, 408.741.7084, www.dancingyogi.com
7:30-8:30pm (from 7pm on Feb 17) - Evening Meditation Workshop, United Church of Christ, 825 Middlefield Drive, Petaluma, California. Free. Contact: (800) 475-2369, (707) 878-2369, info@nilgiri.org, www.nilgiri.org
Feb 1, 8, 15, 22 Saturdays 8am-9:30pm - Saturday Program for Ammachi at Amita Hall, San Ramon, California. Contact: 510.537.9417, events@ammachi.org, www.ammachi.org
11am-12pm - Sundara Kanda Parayanam (Joint recitation of Sundara Kanda, 5th Canto of Sri Valmiki Ramayana); 1-2pm - Vishnu Sahasranamam at the Learning Center, Shiva-Vishnu Temple, Livermore, California, Contact: Temple 925.449.6255, www.livermoretemple.org
Feb 2, 9, 16, 23 Sundays 10-11:30am - California Tamil Academy conducts Tamil Classes (during regular school Sessions, excluding Feb 16) at Room Nos. 72 - 74, De Anza College, Cupertino, California. Contact: 408.741.0612, catamilacademy@yahoo.com, www.catamilacademy.org
9:30-10am - Tamil Class taught at the Hindu Temple of Atlanta, Riverdale, Georgia. Also offering Dance classes, Hatha Yoga, Adult Gita, and Balavihar class. Contact: 770.907.7102,feedback@hindutempleofatlanta.org, www.hindutempleofatlanta.org
11-11:50am - Tamil Class and Tiruppugazh taught at the Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago, 10915 Lemont Rd, Lemont, Illinois. Also offering Sanskrit, Religion, Vishnu Sahasranama, craft, and tabla classes. Contact: Jayanthi Balachandran 630.325.2985, Usha Narayanan at 630.527.9308 or the Temple front desk. info@ramatemple.org, www.ramatemple.org
Bala Vihar classes at Chinmaya Mission in Danville, Fremont, Los Altos, and San Jose, California. Curriculum includes Tamil language instruction. www.chinmaya.com/san-jose/bvlocsch.html
Feb 1, Saturday 9am - Tyagaraja Day Presented by South India Fine Arts, at CET Performing Arts Center, 701 Vine Street, San Jose, California. Contact: 1.888.664.SIFA, vimaro@aol.com, www.southindiafinearts.org
Feb 2, Sunday 9am - Tyagaraja Day Presented by South India Fine Arts, at CET Performing Arts Center, 701 Vine Street, San Jose, California. Contact: 1.888.664.SIFA, vimaro@aol.com, www.southindiafinearts.org
11am-12pm - Philosophies of Evolution is a lecture by Karabi Sen. Cultural Integration Fellowship, 2650 Fulton St. (at 3rd Ave.), San Francisco, California. Contact: 415.626.2442.
12-4pm, Open House - Creative Art Center at Bharathi Kalalaya; Tanjore Painting, Mysore painting, Ceramics, Drawing and other art demonstration and classes. Contact: Anu Suresh:510.490.4629,www.bharathikalalaya.com. Free.
2pm - Pongal Program by Greater Atlanta Tamil Sangam: Pongalukku Mariyadhai. Meadowcreek High School, Gwinnet, Georgia. Contact: contact@gatamilsangam.org, www.gatamilsangam.org
3-8pm - Pongalo Pongal program with Tamil Quiz, Patti Manram, snacks. $6 adults, $3 kids. Northshore Senior Center, 10201 E Riverside Drive, Bothell, Washington. Contact: Sujatha Rajarajan, 425.557.8337sujatharajarajan@hotmail.com
Bharata Natyam Arangetram of Anu Ranganathan, student of Mythili Kumar of Abhinaya Dance Company. Mexican Heritage Theater, San Jose, alifornia. Time to be announced. Contact: 408.983.0491, abhinaya_sj@yahoo.com, www.abhinaya.com
Feb 3, Monday 12 noon - Kimberly Wright (CASA)."Fieldwork in Mumbai at the Millennium: Representations and Realities of Cosmopolitanism." 250-251K. CASA Brown Bag Lunch, Stanford University, California. www.stanford.edu/group/scbs/Calendar/calendar2002-03/s_asia.02-03.html
4:30pm - Khaled Abou Al Fadl (UCLA)."Islam and the Rules of War." 4:30 p.m., Oksenberg Room, Encina Hall, Stanford University, California. news-service.stanford.edu/news/2003/january8/islam-18.html
Feb 5, Wednesday 4:15pm - Partition and Communal Issues in India Film Series."Garam Hawa / Hot Wind." 160-331, Religious Studies, Stanford University, California. www.stanford.edu/group/scbs/Calendar/calendar2002-03/s_asia.02-03.html
Feb 6, ThursdayMeditation 1 (Feb 6-27) - Learn to meditate with Joe Begley. Ananda, 2171 El Camino, Palo Alto, California. $40. Contact: 650.323.3363.
Feb 7, Friday 11am (Feb 7-9) - Asian Art and Culture exhibition and sale featuring exquisite items from over 75 of the world's top galleries specializing in Asian art, including jewelry and paintings from India; bronzes from Nepal; and other artifacts. Festival Pavilion, Fort Mason Center, San Francisco, California.
Feb. 7, 11 a.m.-7 p.m.; Feb. 8, 11 a.m.-7 p.m.; Feb. 9, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. $12. Contact: 310.455.2886.
4pm-Sun Feb 9 3pm - Weekend Meditation Retreat. Tomales, California. Feb. 7-9, Fri. 4:30 p.m.- Sun. 2 p.m. $295. Contact: 800.475.2369, 707.878.2369, info@nilgiri.org, www.nilgiri.org.
7pm - Teesri Pehchaan, music and dance, at Heinen Theater, 5517 Austin Street, Houston, Texas. Contact: Urban Indian Beat 281.650.1149
Feb 8, Saturday 8:30am - Great Composers' Day, by Carnatic Music Association of Georgia (CAMAGA), at the Hindu Temple of Atlanta, Georgia. Contact: camaga@bellsouth.net, www.camaga.org
9am-8pm - Sangeetha Pitamaha Sri Purandara Daasa Aaradhana at Hindu Temple and Community Center, 420-450 Persian Drive, Sunnyvale, California. Organized by LOTUS. Contact: Smt. Padmaja Kishore at padmajakishore@yahoo.com, www.svlotus.org
7pm - Hindustani flute by Pundit Hariprasad Chaurasia, accompanied by Rakesh Chaurasia (flute) & Vijay Ghate (tabla). Bates Recital Hall, University of Texas, Austin, Texas. Presented by Indian Classical Music Circle of Austin. $25-50, free for members.Contact: Rasika Harshey 512.327.3821 rasika@icmca.org, www.icmca.org
7pm - Teesri Pehchaan, music and dance, at Heinen Theater, 5517 Austin Street, Houston, Texas. Contact: Urban Indian Beat 281.650.1149
8pm - Dance Performance Presented by Devi Dance Theatre and Narthaki. Four pieces exploring feminism in 12th century South India at Dance Place, 3225 8th Street, NE, Washington, District of Columbia. Contact: Nilimma Devi 301.593.2664, www.narthaki.com |
Feb 9, Sunday 11am - The Brahmaviharas (sublime states of Buddhist philosophy), lecture by Anne Teich. Cultural Integration Fellowship, 2650 Fulton St. (at 3rd Ave.), San Francisco. California. Contact: 415.626.2442, info@culturalintegration.org, www.culturalintegration.org
6pm - Sabri Brothers, Qawwali, Hosted by Kahkeshan Arts Council. Management Education Center,Univ of Michigan, 511 W. Square Lake Rd, Troy, Michigan. Contact: Raza Mirza 248.393.2512.
Feb 10, Monday 7:30pm - Monthly Shiva Pooja at Sandeepany Chinmaya Mission, 1050 Park Avenue, San Jose, California. www.chinmaya.com/san-jose/
Feb 11, Tuesday 6:30-8pm - Evening Meditation Workshop, The Berkeley Buddhist Monastery, 2304 McKinley, near the corner of Bancroft, Berkeley, California. Free. Contact: 800.475.2369, 707.878.2369, info@nilgiri.org, www.nilgiri.org
Feb 12, Wednesday 4:15pm - Partition and Communal Issues in India Film Series."Prana jai paru vachana na jai" (in Hindi) and "In the Name of God." 160-331. Religious Studies, Stanford University, California. www.stanford.edu/group/scbs/Calendar/calendar.html
Art Exhibition of contemporary artists of India. Hotel Renaissance, Greenway Plaza, Houston, Texas. Time to be announced. Contact: 281.648.0422.
Feb 14, Friday 11am (Feb 14-16) - Tribal and Textile Arts Show featuring Indian jewelry and textiles; and Southeast Asian adornment, maskes and sculpture among other exhibits of cultural, historical, and artistic interest. Festival Pavilion, Fort Mason Center, San Francisco, California.
Feb. 14, 11 a.m.-7 p.m.;Feb. 15, 11 a.m.-7 p.m.; Feb. 16, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. $10.Contact: 310.455.2886.
4pm-Sun Mar 2 3pm - Young Adult Retreat. Tomales, California. Feb. 14-16, Fri. 4 p.m.- Sun. 3 p.m. $295. Contact: 800.475.2369, 707.878.2369, www.nilgiri.org
9am - Feb 15 5pm - 18th Annual South Asia Conference at University of California, Berkeley, California. Center for South Asia Studies. $40. Contact:510.642.3608, csasasst@uclink.berkeley.edu, ias.berkeley.edu/southasia
Feb 15, Saturday 2pm - Social Support Group - Organized by Raksha, Atlanta, Georgia. Contact: 404.842.0725, www.raksha.org
2-2:30pm - Dances of India Show at Cincinnati Art Museum Great Hall for Fine Arts Sampler Weekend, Cultural Centre of India, 9462 Hopewell Rd, Cincinnati, Ohio. Contact: 513.227.9612, padma@culturalcentreofindia.com, www.culturalcentreofindia.com
7pm - Solo Tabla by Prashant Paranjyoti. Food Science Hall, Cook College Campus, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. www.indogram.com
Lecture and presentation on Cultural Arts of India in the American Context by Honerable Ambassador Lalit Mansingh & Dr Vishaka Desai (President, Asia Society, New York). Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas. Time to be announced. Contact: 281.648.0422.
Feb 16, Sunday 11am - Karnatic Vocal Concert followed by a lecture demonstration on Mayamalavagowlai Ragam and its derivatives by Dr. Padma Rajagopal; Hosted by Bharathi Kalalaya, Fremont, California; Contact: Anu Suresh 510.490.4629; www.bharathikalalaya.com; Free.
11:30am-1pm - Devotional songs by Aruna and friends for Masi Magam Puja at Shiva Murugan Temple, 1803 Second Street, Concord, California. Contact: 925.827.0127, www.shivamurugantemple.org
1:30-3:30pm - Integral Yoga as Practice at 2650 Fulton Street at 3rd Avenue, San Francisco, California. $10, free for members. Organized by Cultural Integration Fellowship. Contact: 415.759.8060, info@culturalintegration.org, www.culturalintegration.org
Tal Tarang, tabla concert by Zakir Hussain. Wortham Center, Houston, Texas. Time to be announced. Contact: 281.648.0422.
Feb 19, Wednesday 4:15pm - Partition and Communal Issues in India Film Series."The Men in the Tree." 160-331. Religious Studies, Stanford University, California. www.stanford.edu/group/scbs/Calendar/calendar.html
Feb 20, Thursday "Modes of Selection of Heads of Religious Lineages in Modern India," lecture by Catherine Clementin Ojha (CNRS, Paris) at University of California, Berkeley, California. Time and location to be announced. Center for South Asia Studies. Contact: 510.642.3608, csasasst@uclink.berkeley.edu, www.ias.berkeley.edu/southasia
Feb 22, Saturday 9am-7pm - IIT Conference on Offshore Services, Coon Forum, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2001 Sheridan Rd, Evanston, Illinois. $50-200. Contact: Paddy Padmanabhan at 630.388.1177, paddyp@quinnox.com, www.iitmidwest.org
4pm - Carnatic Vocal Music Concert by Pallavi Sriram and Sidharth Sriram of Sri Lalitha Gana Vidyalaya, Mridangam by N. Narayan and Violin by Shanthi Narayan. Santa Clara Convention Center, 5001 Gt. America Pkwy, Santa Clara, California. Contact:510.490.6141. Free.
2-5:30pm - Classical Vocal Concert at Hindu Temple and Community Center, 420-450 Persian Drive, Sunnyvale, California 94086. Organized by LOTUS. Contact: B.V. Muralidhara at 408.734.4554, bvmuralidhara@yahoo.com, www.svlotus.org
8pm - Flute Concert by Shashank at Herrick Chapel, Alumni Avenue, Occidental College, Los Angeles, California. $15 members, $25 nonmembers, $5 students with ID. Organized by The Music Circle. Contact: info@musiccircle.org, Harihar Rao 626.449.6987, www.musiccircle.org
Feb 23, Sunday 9am - 5:30am Temple Anniversary Celebrations with Homam and Abhishekam at Sri Venkateswara Temple (Balaji Mandir)& Community Center, 780 old Farm Road, Bridgewater, New Jersey. Contact: 908.725.4477, www.venkateswara.org
1:30-3:30pm - Integral Yoga as Practice at 2650 Fulton Street at 3rd Avenue, San Francisco, California. $10, free for members. Organized by Cultural Integration Fellowship. Contact: 415.759.8060, info@culturalintegration.org, www.culturalintegration.org
5:30pm - Independent Film"Sooraj ka saathwaan ghoda" by Vipul Srivastava Presented by Naatak. West Valley College, Saratoga, California. $12, $8 students, $2 parking. Proceeds benefit ASHA, AIF, AID. Contact: 510.226.1276, tickets@naatak.com, www.naatak.com
Feb 25, Tuesday 6:30-8pm - Evening Meditation Workshop, The Berkeley Buddhist Monastery, 2304 McKinley, near the corner of Bancroft, Berkeley, California. Free. Contact: 800.475.2369, 707.878.2369, info@nilgiri.org, www.nilgiri.org
Feb 26, Wednesday 4:15pm - Partition and Communal Issues in India Film Series."He Ram! Genocide in the Land of Gandhi." 160-331. Religious Studies, Stanford University, California. www.stanford.edu/group/scbs/Calendar/calendar.html
Feb 28, Friday 4pm-Sun Mar 2 3pm - Weekend Intensive Retreat. Tomales, California. Feb. 28-Mar2, Fri. 4 p.m.- Sun. 3 p.m. $295. Contact: 800.475.2369, 707.878.2369, info@nilgiri.org, www.nilgiri.org
8pm - Carnatic Instrumental Concert at PSU Lincoln Hall - Room 75, 1620 SW Park, Portland, Oregon. Contact: rasika 503.531.7266, info@rasika.org, www.rasika.org |