April 2004 : Events Calendar |
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If you want events to be included, please e-mail details to thendral@tamilonline.com. Though we try our best to provide accurate information, we urge you to check details with the host organization before attending an event.
Ongoing: 9am-5.30pm. Training in Raja Yoga is held every 2nd Saturday of the month by Institute of Sriramchandra Consciousness in Sunnyvale, California, free for all. Contact: Prasad Tipparaju 408.257.7071, isrc_ca@yahoo.com, www.sriramchandra.org
Summer Creative Movements Workshop (Juniors) & Abhinaya Workshop on creative dance movements and expression based on classical Bharatanatyam, Bay Area, California. Different content for different age groups. Contact: Deivika Usha 510.364.6995, deivika_usha@yahoo.com, www.geocities.com/dehee_arts
Bay Area Singles Again Professionals, Sunnyvale, California, is a group comprising of well-qualified professionals of upbeat single-again Indians mostly from the Bay Area (and as well as members from across the country). meets monthly. Email: shamyo@iwings.org
The Women's Forum of ICSC meets the last Saturday of every month at ICSC, 3065 Democracy Way , Santa Clara, California from 10.30am-12.30pm for free lecture/discussion sessions with guest speakers and facilitators. Call 408.748.1771, icsc@yahoo.com
12noon-6pm. "Treasures for the Himalayas: Sacred Images from Tibet, Nepal, and Northern India" on view at Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, California through October 27, Wed - Mon. Contact: 626.449.6840
Introduction to Iyengar yoga series. Iyengar Yoga Institute, 2650 Fulton Street (at 3rd Avenue), San Francisco, California. Classes are available Sundays and Tuesdays.$50 Contact: 415.753.0909, info@iyisf.org, www.iyisf.org
7.30pm - 8.30pm. Meditation at the SHAMBHALA International Healing Center with Guru Ramaji & Yogini SitajiMa, every Saturday, 814 N.Ogden Dr. West Hollywood, California. Donations are welcome. Tel: 213.653.2716 Email:Shambhala.center@usa.net
"Traces of India: Photography, Architecture, and the Politics of Representation, 1850-1900", an exhibition which explores how 19th-century European photographers captured the great architectural sites of India.The exhibition presents more than 200 master photographs, as well as drawings, books, artifacts, and a selection of popular imagery at UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History, Los Angeles, California from March 7, 2004 to July 3, 2004. Contact: Stacey Abarbanel, 310.825.4361, www.fowler.ucla.edu
10am - 3pm. "Seniors Program Activities" Every Wednesday in the Temple Basement at Ganesh Temple, New York, Contact: Temple 718.460.8484, Mrs. Chandra Rajagopal 718.279.0787, Nirmala Ram 718.969.1827,webmaster@nyganeshtemple.org
3pm-6pm. The Family Support Network, Houston, Texas is a forum to assist people of all ages to achieve their maximum potential. We meet the second Sunday of every month. Contact: Mina 445.9802, Raj 550.9768 or Savitri 568.7323,cv691686@express.bcm.tmc.edu
April 6, 13, 20, 27 Tuesdays 12 noon - Siddha samadi yoga classes - Siva Vishnu Temple, Livermore, California; Contact: Temple 925.449.6255 or Prema Shastri 408.956.9999,www.livermoretemple.org
April 3, 17 Saturdays 12-4pm - Free Health Advisory Services (1st and 3rd Saturday) - Shiva Vishnu Temple, Livermore, California; Contact: Temple 925.449.6255, www.livermoretemple.org
11am - Balajyothi classes (Youth & Education) by Siva Vishnu Temple, Livermore, California, Contact: Temple 925.449.6255, www.livermoretemple.org
April 4, 11, 18, 25 Sundays 9:30-10am - Tamil Class taught at the Hindu Temple of Atlanta, Riverdale, Georgia. Also offering Dance classes, Hatha Yoga, Adult Gita, and Balavihar class. Contact: 770.907.7102, feedback@hindutempleofatlanta.org, www.hindutempleofatlanta.org
11-12:30pm - Tamil songs, Tiruppugazh taught at the Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago, Lemont, Illinois. Also offering Sanskrit, bhajan classes. Contact: Jayanthi Balachandran 630.325.2985, Usha Narayanan at 630.527.9308 or the Temple front desk. info@ramatemple.org, www.ramatemple.org
Bala Vihar classes at Chinmaya Mission in Danville, Fremont, Los Altos, San Jose, and San Ramon, California. Curriculum includes Tamil language instruction; Contact: 408.998.2793, sanjose@chinmayamission.org, www.chinmaya-sanjose.org/balvihar.html
5.30pm - St.John's Tamil Lutheran Congregation - Church congregation of Tamil Speaking public from Asia; Location: 47 Winthrop Street, Williston Park, New York, Contact: Rev. Rathinasamy 718.747.6242, 516.742.5858
April 7, 4, 21, 28 Wednesdays 6pm. Swati Bhise will perform for cancer rehabilitation at Creative Arts Center- 147 West 26th Street, New York, New York. Contact:swatidance@verizon.net .
April 3 Saturday 4pm. Sri Ramanavami celebrated by Sri Venkateswara Swami Temple at 1145 West Sullivan Rd., Aurora, Illinois 60506 with Bharatha Natyam program by Natya students of Hema Rajagopalan. Donation $5, Contact:www.balaji.org
3.30pm. CMANA presents Shri. Shashang on flute at Lawrence Middle School,2445 Princeton Pike, Lawrenceville,New Jersey 08648. Contact:www.cmana.org
3pm. The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts presents "SATTRIYA: The Classical Dance of Assam", a lecture by Arshiya Sethi at Bruno Walter Auditorium, Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center,40 Lincoln Center Plaza, New York, New York 10023-7498. Contact: 212.870.1630, ipaprog@nypl.org.
April 4 Sunday 3pm. Shiva Murugan Temple presents Banguni Utthiram Sri.Murugan Kalyanam and Devotional songs by Hema Sista, Concord, California. Contact: Temple 925.827.0127, www.temple.org
April 9 Friday 8pm. Sruti presents Hindustan Classical Music by Ustad Shujaat Khan and Debashish Bhattacharya at Zellerbach Theater, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Contact:215.298.3900, pennpresents.org.
April 10 Saturday Apr 10 - Apr 18 - Cleveland Aradhana - 27th Year of Celebration of St. Thyagaraja Music Festival conducted by the Aradhana Committee; Cleveland State University; Chief Guest - K.B.Chandrasekar; www.aradhana.org
6pm. Spirit of India and Zee TV presents Mr & Miss.India America 2004 at Crown Plaza Hotel, 1221 Chess Drive, Foster City California. Dinner, contest and Dance with Guest of Honor Shekhar Kapur and Mr & Miss. India America. Contact:www.spiritofindia.com
6:30pm - Easter Tamil Worship Service - United Methodist Church, Redlands, California; Rev. Suresh Babu from the 'Power of Gospel Ministries' will bring the Easter message; John David 661.946.5346, David Nesamony 909.793.5573; tamilchristianfellowship@ourchurch.com
9am. Siva Vishnu Temple presents Spelling bee & Vocabulary contests at Temple Assembly Hall, Siva Vishnu Temple, Livermore, California. Contact: Temple 925.449.6255, or Prema Shastri 408.956.9999, www.livermoretemple.org
6pm-9.30pm. FFE presents "Madhur Malkauns", composed and conducted by Pandit Habib Khan, a benefit concert for the cause of higher education in India. Smithwick Auditorium, Foothill College, 12345 El M Los Altos, California. Contact: Suresh Seshan 408.985.2001, saseshan@ffe.org.
11am-9.30pm. Tamil Manram and Uthavum Karangal present GALAATA at Cubberly Theatre, 4000 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto California 94303. Tickets: $10, $15. Contact: Mani M Manivannan . www.bayareatamilmanram.org; www.galaata.org
4.30pm. PAMPA presents Solo debut of Priyanka Bearelly at Cubberly Theatre, 4000 Middle Field Road, Palo Alto California 94303. Contact: www.pampans.com
10am-1pm. Smskrita Bharathi presents Sloka competition for children at Hindu Temple ,450 Persian Drive, Sunnyvale, California 94089, Contact : 408.431.0507, SamskritaBharati@yahoo.com, www.samskrita-bharati.org
April 11 Sunday 4pm. SIFA presents Shashang Flute at CET Performing Arts Center, 701, Vine Street, San Jose, California. Local artist performance at 2pm. Check Website for details. Contact: www.southindiafinearts.org, N. Sivakumar 408.972.0790
3.30pm. CMANA presents Hydrabad Sisters at HTCS Auditorium, Bridgewater Temple,New Jersey. Contact: www.cmana.org |
April 14-18 Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles at Acrlight Cinema Los Angeles, California. Contact: Manas Malhotra marketing@indianfilmfestival.org, www.indianfilmfestival.org
April 17 Saturday 7am-11pm. The Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago presents Baisakhi Celebrations at Samarathi Auditorium with Bhangra, Dancing to DJ music and Spring Bazaar.Temple at 10915 Lemont Rd, Lemont, Illinois Contact: Jayanthi Balachandran 630.325.2985, Usha Narayanan at 630.527.9308 or the Temple front desk. info@ramatemple.org, www.ramatemple.org
9am - Badarikashrama Music Festival; Badarikashrama; San Leandro; www.badarikashrama.org; 510.278.2444
6pm. Sri Venkateswara Temple presents Carnatic Vocal Concert by Thiru. Sanjay Subramaniyam Carnatic at 1145 West Sullivan Rd., Aurora, Illinois 60506 USA. Tickets: $15. Contact: www.balaji.org
Shiva Murugan Temple presents Tamil New Year's day with Bharatha Natyam Recital by Sundara Swaminathan's students. Contact: Temple 925.827.0127, www.temple.org
3.30 pm. CMANA presents Carnatic Vocal Concert by Thiru. Vijaya Siva at HTCS Auditorium, Bridgewater Temple, New Jersey, Contact: www.cmana.org
6pm - Holy & Baisakhi Celebration by Indian American Cultural Association; The Costick Activities Center; Farmington Hills, Michigan; Contact: miiaca@hotmail.com; Harvinder Singh: 586-295-0131; Bharat Malhotra 734-495-0188
7pm - Holy Mass in Tamil; St. Joseph's Church, Mountain View, California; www.tamilcatholic.org
8pm. Chinmaya Mission Washington Regional Center presents Bharat Sambhavam, a kuchipudi classical Indian dance ballet by Kalamandapam, directed by Mrs. Mrinalini Sadananda, at Eisenhower Theater, The Kennedy Center, Washington D.C., Contact: 202.467.4600, 703.451.5909, www.bharatsambhavam.com
April 18 - Sunday 12-5pm. Siva Vishnu Temple presents Tamil New Year's Day/ Tamil composers' Day at Temple Assembly Hall, Siva Vishnu Temple, Livermore, California, Contact: Temple 925.449.6255, or Prema Shastri 408.956.9999 www.livermoretemple.org
4pm. SIFA and Sankara Netralaya present Lalgudi GJR Krishnan and Vijayalakshmi Violin at CET Performing Arts Center, 701, Vine Street, San Jose, California. Contact: N. Sivakumar 408.972.0790.
9.30-1pm. IAPA presents 14th Annual Sangeeth Prabhat at Food and Science Auditorium, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey..Tickets Members $15, Public $20, Sr Citizens: $10. Contact: Shri Tilak 973.895.7307, sbtilak100@hotmail.com
April 21 Wednesday 4pm. Center for South Asia Study and the World Affairs Council of Northern California presents a lecture on Nuclear stability in South Asia at 159 Mulford Hall University of California, Berkeley, California. Contact: 510.642.3608 csasasst@uclink.berkeley.edu, www.ias.berkeley.edu/southasia
April 23 Friday Mount Madonna Center presents "Ayurveda - A Weekend Retreat for Women (23rd-25th)" in the Bay Area, California. Tuition $180. Contact: Mount Madonna Center 408.847.0406, programs@mountmadonna.org
7pm. SIFA presents Vocal Concert By Smt. Bombay Jayasree Ramnath at CET Performing Arts Center, 701, Vine Street, San Jose, California. Contact: N. Sivakumar 408.972.0790 www.southindiafinarts.org
April 24 Saturday 11am-1pm - 54th Maha Nirvana day of Sri Ramana Maharshi. Arunachala Ashrama invites you to observe the occasion and have prasad. Jain Temple, 722 South Main Street, Milpitas, CA 95035; 510.324-1160; nachiketas@hotmail.com; www.arunachala.org
2pm. SIMA presents Carnatic Vocal concert by Thiru. Vijay Siva at Hoover Middle School Auditorium 3501 Country Club Drive Lakewood California 90712. Contact: South Indian Music Academy 626.794.0695
6.30pm Spicmacay presents Hindustani Classical Vocal Concert by Thiru. Santanu Banerjee accompanied on the Tabla by Sujit Saha at Veteran's Memorial Theatre 203 E 14th St Davis,California 95616, Contact: www.spicmacay.ucdavis.edu
5pm. Association for India's Development, San Diego Chapter presents 'Ramdas Padhye Puppet Show', at Mira Mesa High School, 10510 Reagan Road, San Diego, California 92126. An entertainment show of fun, fantasy & rib-tickling humor with life-like puppets, muppets & music by Ramdas Padhye & his wife Aparna Ramdas .Contact: 858.642.7531, www.aidpuppetshow.org, harshadbhutada@yahoo.com
Noon-5pm. Hindu American Temple and Cultural center presents "Sangeetha Lahari - a tribute to Great Indian Classical Music Composers" at the Temple, 31, Wooleytown Road, Morganville, New Jersey 07751. Contact: 732.9723.5552.
April 25, Sunday 12:30pm - Tamil New Year Celebration By Michigan Tamil Sangam; Gangayin Maindan Drama, Thirukkural Competition winners; Awards ceremony; Lake Orinon High School, Lake Orion, Michigan; Tickets: $10 Members, $15 non-members, $5 Children under 12; Free - Kids under 5; www.mitamilsangam.org
April 28 - May 4 7-Day Intensive Yoga program by Isha Yoga; Weeknights (6:15 - 9:30pm) and Weekends (8am - 7pm); St. Toma Banquet Hall, Farmington Hills, Michigan, www.ishafoundation.org; 248.478.4786
May 1 Saturday Shanti - A Journey of Peace - Composed by Kaniks Kanikeswaran; Presented by the University of Cincinnati in conjunction with Worldfest 2004 (a weeklong celebration of world cultures); Great Hall - TUC (7 PM and 9 PM), and by St. John's Unitarian Church, Cincinnati as the 2004 Spring concert on Sunday, May 2, 2004; www.shantichoir.org; Gaja Karyala at 513 731 4427; www.templenet.com
May 2 Sunday 5pm - Manvaasam - A Tamil Light Music Nite by Thillana Productions; Start Time Guaranteed; Chabot College Center for Performing Arts, Hayward, California; www.thillana.net, www.vibha.org, thillana1947@yahoo.com |