February 2005: Events Calendar |
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If you want events to be included, please e-mail details to thendral@tamilonline.com. Though we try our best to provide accurate information, we urge you to check details with the host organization before attending an event.
10.30am – 12.30pm.The Women’s forum of ICSC meets for free lecture/discussion session with guest speakers and facilitators on the last Saturday of every month at ICSC, 3065 Democracy Way, Santa Clara, California, Contact: 408.748.1771
9am – 5.30pm. "Pranahuti Aided Meditation", Training held by the Institute of Sriramchandra Consciousness, every 2nd Saturday of the month in the Bay Area. Free for all. Contact: Vidyadar Joshi 408.973.8667,www.sriramchandra.org ,isrc_ca@yahoo.com
February 1, 8, 15, 22, Tuesdays 6-9am. "Silicon Solai" Tamil radio program every Tuesday at 90.1 FM, KZSU, Stanford, California, Contact: Manoharan Kandaswamy,siliconsolai@yahoo.com
12 noon. Siddha Samadhi Yoga Classes at Shiva Vishnu Temple, Livermore, California, Contact: Temple 925.449.6255,www.livermoretemple.org
February 3, 10, 17, 24 Thursdays 1pm – 3pm. Carnatic Radio on 90.1FM KZSU Stanford, The program is one hour of Carnatic music and Gharana music. Contact: Parag,info@kzsu.stanford.edu
February 5, 12, 19, 26 Saturdays 7.30pm – 8.30pm. Meditation at the Shambala International Healing Center with Guru Ramaji and Yogini at 814 N.Ogden Dr, West Hollywood, California, Contact: 213.653.2716
February 6, 13, 20, 27 Sundays Bala Vihar classes at Chinmaya Mission in Danville, Fremont, Los Altos, San Jose, and San Ramon, California. Curriculum includes Tamil language instruction; Contact: 408.998.2793, sanjose@chinmayamission.org,www.chinmaya-sanjose.org/balvihar.html
9:30am-10am - Tamil Class taught at the Hindu Temple of Atlanta, Riverdale, Georgia. Also offering Dance classes, Hatha Yoga, Adult Gita, and Balavihar class. Contact: 770.907.7102,feedback@hindutempleofatlanta.org,www.hindutempleofatlanta.org
11am-12:30pm. Tamil songs, Tiruppugazh taught at the Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago, Lemont, Illinois. Also offering Sanskrit, bhajan classes. Contact: Jayanthi Balachandran 630.325.2985, Usha Narayanan at 630.527.9308 or the Temple front desk.info@ramatemple.org,www.ramatemple.org
5.30pm - St.John’s Tamil Lutheran Congregation - Church congregation of Tamil Speaking public from Asia; Location: 47 Winthrop Street, Williston Park, New York, Contact: Rev. Rathinasamy 718.747.6242, 516.742.5858
5:00 - 6:00pm EST: 'Tamil Amudham' Metro Detroit/Ann Arbor's Tamil Radio program: Every Sunday at 1460 AM; Can also be heard atwww.wpon.com; Archives atwww.tamilamudham.com; Program Director V.S Balnethiram (248)641-7684.
Feb. 4, 5, 6, Friday, Saturday and Sunday 7:30 - 9:30pm - Geetha Discourses by renowned Swami Sukhabodananda; Location: Friday - Komala Vilas Party Hall; Saturday & Sunday - Campbell Community Center, Campbell California; Contact: Mahi 408.314.7869, Bhaskar 510.656.5773, Karuna Ram 408.705.2035; Free.
February 5, Saturday 6.30pm. A Music Concert for Tsunami Relief featuring Kakali Bandhyopadhyaya (Sitar), Sougata Banerjee (Vocal) and Prithviraj Bhattacharjee (Tabla) hosted by Vibha Atlanta, United Nations Assocation, Aarohi at Student Center Theatre, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia, Tickets: Level I - $15, $7 (Students), Contact : Shobhit Chugh 404.229.3117 |
February 6, Sunday Noon - Sri Purandaradasa Day hosted by Badarikashrama, 15602 Maubert Ave, San Leandro, California. Admission: $50, $25, Contact: Shalini Saxena Dance Academy, 510.278.2444.
Noon. "Gymnastics Workshop " by North Indian Classical Kathak Dance Academy, hosted by School of Dance and Gymnastics at 97 Main Street, Woodbridge, New Jersey. Contact: 845.783.7514,
Noon. "2005 Annual Youth Competitions" at Bharatiya Temple, Troy, New York , New York, Tickets: $2/per child/per competition(Max $10/child participate in all), Non-Member: $3/per child/ per competition (Max$15/child participate in all), Contact: Shama Kenkre 248.267.9343.
Feb. 8-13, (Tuesday - Sunday) 7-9:30pm; Weekends 9am-2pm - Stress Relieving Breathing Techniques (Sudharshan Kriya) taught by Art of Living Foundation; Location: Rosewater Hall, San Jose, California; Contact: Patchaiyappan 408.739.7344,patchaik@yahoo.com
February 10, Thursday 8pm. NETIP Book Club, Atlanta, Georgia reading, "A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry", Venue to be announced. Contact: Krupali 404.663.0192
7:15 - 8:30pm - 'Photographs of Kashmir', by Mimi Chakarova, Documentary Photographer, Lecturer, Graduate School of Journalism, UC Berkeley, Lecturer, Stanford University; Organized by World Affairs Council Gallery; Location: San Francisco, California; Contact: www.itsyourworld.org; 415.293.4600
February 12, Saturday 10am. "Tsunami Cup - 2005 (Volleyball Tournament)" hosted by SEWA International at Mercer University Fitness Center, Chamblee Tucker Road, Chamblee, Georgia. Admission: $20 per player (5 players in each team). Contact: Dinesh 404.509.7178
2:00-2:30pm - 'Dances of India', performance for the Fine Arts Sampler Weekend at Great Hall of Cincinnati Art Museum; Presented by Ms. Padma Chebrolu, Artistic Director, Cultural Center of India; Contact: 513.227.9612;www.culturalcenterofindia.com
6pm. "Rangoli - The Colors of India" AUnique theatrical experience hosted by Think India Foundation at Hill Performance Hall, Eisemann Center, 2351 Performance Drive, Richardson, Texas 75082, Tickets: $100, $50, $25, $15, Contact : Vijayashree Venkatraman 972.519.5430
7pm – Monthly Mass in Tamil; Location: St. Joseph Parish, Mountain View, California; Contact: www.tamilcatholic.org; 650.967.3831
February 13, Sunday 5pm. "Pandit Chaurasia's Tusnami Benefit Concert" hosted by Brindavan Gurukul and Basant Bahar at Chabot College Performing Arts Center, 25555 Hesparian Boulevard, Hayward, California 94545. Tickets: $100, $20, $15. Contact: Nagesh Avdhany 408.946.2946, nageshavdhany@yahoo.com
February 19, Saturday 2pm. "Youth Utsav Fest DANCE CONTEST 2005" at CET Auditorium, 701 Vine Street, San Jose, California, Tickets: $10. Contact: Sam Rao 510.228.6417,www.indian-american.org,www.youthutsavfest.com
7pm. Indian Instrumental Music Concert by Sangeet Samrat Chitravina N. Ravikran accompanied by Hemmige V. Srivatsan on the Violin and Dr. Trichy Sankaran on Mridangam, organized by Thyagaraja Nilayam at Capistrano Hall, California State University, Sacramento, California 95819, Tickets: $15, $10(Students), Contact: Ram Seshan 916.784.1229
February 23, Wednesday Noon. "The Rural-Urban Divide in India : The Issue of English" by E. Annamalai, Department of Tamil, Yale University at Luce Hall, 34 Hillhouse Ave., Yale University, Boston, Massachusetts.
February 25, Friday 11:30am - World War II and Iraq: Parallels for Citizens at Risk? - A talk by Hon. Michael Honda, Member, US House of Representatives on protecting rights of US Citizens in the age of Patriot Act and war on terror; Organized by Commonwealth Club; Location: San Francisco, California; Contact:www.commonwealthclub.org; $15 for Non-Members; Free - Members
Noon. "Indian Traditional Dance Concert" hosted by North Indian Classical Kathak Dance Academy at Herricks Community Center, 999 Herricks Road, New Hyde Park, L.I., New York, New York. Contact: 845.783.7514
Noon. Three day 30th Anniversary Celebrations of Bharathi Kalai Manram at Stafford Civic Center, MTS Complex, Houston, Texas. Contact: Arul Periasamy 281.392.4223
February 26, Saturday 8am. "Trinity Music Festival" hosted bySangeetalahari.org at Harris theatre, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia. Contact: Anu Kodali 703.689.0672,
10am. "South Asian Women's Leadership Forum Congress 2005" hosted by South Asian Women's Leadership Forum at Manhattan Avenue, New York, New York. Venue to be announced. Admission: $95. Contact: Judy Vincent 917.375.0422,www.southasianwomen.org
Noon. "Concert by Ravi Kiran and Shashank" at Evans Auditorium, Lewis & Clark College, 0615 SW Palatine Hill Road, Portland, Oregon. Contact: Kalakendra 503.233.8838
2pm & 6pm - A Tamil Play 'Sruti Bhedham' Presented by Krea Creations; Written by Anand Raghav, Directed by Dheepa Ramanujam; Proceeds benefit Association for India Development; Location: Cubberly Theatre, Palo Alto, California; Contact: MailBag: 408.946.3131, Ramanujam: 408.655.2393, Naveen Nathan 510.435.5034; Tickets: $12; www.sulekha.com/bayarea
3pm - Vocal Concert by Prasanna Sundararajan, Violin by Srinivas Kommu, Mridangam by Ravindra Bharathy; Location: Shruthi Swara Laya, Fremont, California; Contact: Anuradha Suresh: 510.490.4629;cgavimal@sbcglobal.net
6.30pm. "India Heritage Day 2005" hosted by ICC at Chabot College Performing Arts Center, 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward, California 94545, Tickets: $100, $45, $35, $20 (Seniors and Students), Contact: ICC 408.934.1130
7pm. "A New Generation", a concert of Bharatanatyam Presented by Dakshina palli Natyam, New York, New York. Contact: Jaan Freeman 212.946.534
Mar. 05, Saturday 4pm - Bharathanatyam Arangetram of Ramya Vaidyanathan, Presented by Nrithyollasa Dance Academy; Artistic Director: Indumathy Ganesh; Location: Evergreen Valley High School Theater, San Jose, California; Contact: Vaidyanathan 408.274.4074, Nrithyollasa 510.623.8230 |