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January 2025 Issue
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Events Calendar
January 2025: Events Calendar
- |ஜனவரி 2025|

If you want events to be included, please e-mail details to Though we try our best to provide accurate information, we urge you to check details with the host organization before attending an event.

January 2, 2025, Thursday
6:30PM PST. Data Structures and Algorithms Study group - Free; Organized by Hacker Dojo; Venue: Hacker Dojo, 855 Maude Ave, Mountain View, California; Contact:

January 5, 2025, Sunday
10AM PST. Paramahamsa Yogananda's Birthday Celebration; Organized by Ananda Yoga Center, Palo Alto Chapter; Venue: Ananda Temple, El Camino Real, Palo Alto, California; Contact:

January 7, 2025, Tuesday
6:30PM PST. Python Meetup; Organized by Hacker Dojo; Venue: Hacker Dojo, 855 Maude Ave, Mountain View, California; Contact:

January 8, 2025, Wednesday
7PM PST. Guided Sadhana - Community Yoga & Meditation; Free; Offered by Ananda Yoga Center, Palo Alto Chapter; Venue: Ananda Yoga Center, El Camino Real, Palo Alto, California; Contact:

January 9, 2025, Thursday
7:30PM PST. Free 8-week course of Sahaja Yoga Meditation; Offered by Sahaja Yoga Meditation Group; Venue: Ponderosa Park Community Center, Santa Clara, California; Contact:

January 21, 2025, Tuesday
6PM PST. Superagency and our AI Future; A conversation with Reid Hoffman and DJ Patil; Organized by Commonwealth Club World Affairs of California; Venue: Commonwealth Club premises, The Embarcadero, San Francisco, California; Contact:

January 25, 2025, Saturday
7PM EST. Carnatic Concert with Abhinaya and Dance; Program features Taniya Panda (Vocals & Abhinaya), Smitha Magal (Abhinaya), Devulapalli Sumamala (Veena), Ajay Ravichandran (Mridangam) and students of Silambam School of Dance; Organized by Dhvani - India Performing Arts Society of Central Ohio; Venue: Peggy McConnell Arts Center of Worthington, Worthington, Ohio; Contact:

Adhiradi Pongal 2025; Program features Vijay TV Star KPY Naveen, Pongal feast on banana leaf, fun and non-stop entertainment; Organized by Portland Tamil Sangam; Venue: Alder Creek Middle School, Milwaukie, Oregon; Contact:

January 26, 2025, Sunday
3PM PST. Pongal Thiruvizha Kondattam; Program features Pattimanram by Kalaimamani Dr. Ku. Gnanasambandam; Organized by Bharati Tamil Sangam; Venue: Univ. of Silicon Andhra, Milpitas, California; Contact:, PSNarayanan: 650.575.1499

February 2, 2025, Sunday
All day; Thyagaraja Aradhana performances; Organized by South India Fine Arts; Venue: Quinlan Community Center, Cupertino, California; Contact:

February 4, 2025, Tuesday
11AM PST. The Economy 2025: The impacts of Tariffs, Tax cuts and Trump; Conversations with John Cochrane, Mary Daly (President, Fed. Reserve Bank, SFO), Susan Hyde, Baie Netzer; Organized by Commonwealth Club World Affairs of California; Venue: Commonwealth Club premises, The Embarcadero, San Francisco, California; Contact:

February 15/16, 2025, Saturday & Sunday
Great Composers Day performances; Organized by Carnatic Music Association of Greater Atlanta; Venue: TBD; Contact:

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