December 2016: Events Calendar |
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If you want events to be included, please e-mail details to thendral@tamilonline.com. Though we try our best to provide accurate information, we urge you to check details with the host organization before attending an event. | |
Dec 07 | Pearl Harbor Day | Dec 10 | Human Rights Day | Dec 13 | Milad Un Nabi | Dec 25 | Christmas Day | Dec 31 | New Year's Eve | Jan 01 | New Year 2017 | Shubha Muhurtha Days: 06, 07, 10, 11, 18, 251, 4, 5, 9 |  ![]()  |
Dec. 6, 13, 20, 27 Tuesdays 12 noon. Siddha Samadhi Yoga Classes at Shiva Vishnu Temple, Livermore, California, Contact: Temple 925.449.6255, www.livermoretemple.org
Dec. 7, 14, 21, 28 Wednesdays 7:45-9:15pm. Atmotsava - Silent meditation, readings, chanting, bhajans and stotrams on god, guru and self - followed by prasad; Organized by Society of Abidance in Truth; Venue: Santa Cruz, California; Contact: www.satramana.org, 831.425.7287
Dec. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Thursdays 7:30-8:30pm. Weekly Satsanghs (Shirdi Sai Bhajans); Organized by Shirdi Sai Parivaar; Venue: Shirdi Sai Center, Sunnyvale, California; Contact: www.shirdisaiparivaar.org, 408.705.7904
Dec. 3, 10, 17, 23 Saturdays 8 - 10 a.m. Shri Vethathiri Maharishi's Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY) Satsang. Session includes simplified exercise, meditation & lectures Organized by SKY Bay Area, a chapter of World Community Service Centre (WCSC); Venue: Fremont Hindu Temple, Fremont, California; Contact: www.skybayarea.org, 510.825.3567, sky.bayarea@yahoo.com. 6 - 8 PM. San Diego Tamil Church; Venue: Mira Mesa Presbyterian Church, 8081 Mira Mesa Blvd, San Diego CA 92126; Contact: Rev. Dr. N.J. Gnaniah - 714-828-3181; ngnaniah@gmail.com
Dec. 4, 11, 18, 25 Sundays 8 - 10 a.m. Shri Vethathiri Maharishi's Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY) Satsang. Session includes simplified exercise, meditation & lectures Organized by SKY Bay Area, a chapter of World Community Service Centre (WCSC); Venue: Shirdi Sai Parivaar - Shirdi Sai Center, Milpitas, California; Contact: www.skybayarea.org, 510.825.3567, sky.bayarea@yahoo.com.
Bala Vihar classes at Chinmaya Mission in Danville, Fremont, Los Altos, San Jose, and San Ramon, California. Curriculum includes Tamil language instruction; Contact: 408.998.2793, sanjose@chinmayamission.org, www.chinmaya-sanjose.org/balvihar.html 10-11:30am. Satsang - silent meditation, discourse by Nome on Self-Knowledge and Self-inquiry, recitation and readings from the Upanishads; Organized by Society of Abidance in Truth; Venue: Santa Cruz, California; Contact: 831. 425.7287, www.satramana.org; Free. 2-3pm. Evergreen Classics by Srikant Ramabadran; Bay Area: 1550 AM; Contact: www.mixcloud.com/RadioZindagi; srikant@radiozindagi.com 3-4:30pm. Plano Tamil School; Facilitated by Sastha Tamil Foundation; Venue: Alpha Montessori House, Plano, Texas; Contact: www.pltamil.com
Global Organization for Divinity presents Sri. Ramanujamji's 2016 US Fall Discourse series between Nov. 2016 and Jan. 2017; Dec. 2-7 (Boston, MA): Madhura Utsav; Dec. 8-12 (Richmond, VA): Madhura Utsav & Virginia Namadwaar; Dec. 18 (Houston, TX): Bhakti Sugandham; Dec. 22-24 (Minneapolis, MN): Madhura Utsav; Dec. 24-31 (Houston, TX): Annual Madhura Utsav & Srimad Bhagavatam Katha; Jan 1-8 (Atlanta, GA): Bhakti Yoga lectures; Jan. 10-16 (Bay Area, CA): Bhakti Yoga lectures; Contact: www.godivinity.org
Dec. 2016 - Jan. 2017 Concert Schedule of Ananya Ashok in TN Dec. 11, 4pm - Raga Sudha, Chennai; Dec. 20, 12:30pm - Parthasarathy Swamy Sabha, Chennai; Dec. 21, 11:45AM - Music Academy, Chennai; Dec. 25, 10AM - Karthik Fine Arts; Dec. 26, 1:30PM - Mylapore Fine Arts; Dec. 28, 2:15PM - Vani Mahal; Dec. 29, 3PM - BGS Trust (Arkay CC); Dec. 30m 5:30PM - Maarga (RKM, T.Nagar); Jan. 4, 2017, 4:30PM - Asthika Samaj (Venus Colony); Jan. 13, 6PM - Charsur (Kapaleeswarar Kovil); Contact: fb.com/ananya.ashok1
December 3, 2016, Saturday 10am. Inaugural Tech/Tea Talk on their Entrepreneurial journeys by Kumar Rangarajan & Karthik Ramaswamy - Co-founders of LittleEyeLabs and Locomatix respectively; Organized by American Tamil Entrepreneurs Association; Venue: India Community Center (ICC), Milpitas, California 4pm. Bharath to the Bay - An Indian Cultural program of the season; Presented by Christ Church of India; Venue: Christ Church of India, San Ramon, California; Contact: www.christchurchofIndia.org
December 4, 2016, Sunday 10am. Choir Carol Service; Organized by Atlanta Tamil Church; Venue: Atlanta Tamil Church, Norcross, Georgia; Contact: www.atlantatamilchurch.org, 770.723.1711 10am. 7th Annual Tamil Isai Program; Program features children's singing competition - classical and semi-classical Tamil Isai songs, light music, folk songs..; 4-6pm - Talk by Ms. Lavanya Subramaniam on Tamil Isai; Organized by Tamil Sangam of Greater Washington; Venue: Murugan Temple of North America, Lanham, Maryland; Contact: www.washingtontamilsangam.org
December 10, 2016, Saturday All day. Annual Thanga Murugan Vizha; Program features Kalaimamani Desa Mangayarkarasi discourses; Special focus on Sri. Ramalinga Vallalaar and his life journey & messages; Venue: Sama Rathi Auditorium, The Hindu temple of Greater Lemont, Lemont, Illinois; Contact: Bhuvana Umapathy: 630,.922.6954, Devaki Raman: 630.851.1636, Subhadra: 630.961.7355; www.thangamuruganvizha.com, fb.com/thanga murugan vizha Chicago 4pm. Bharath to the Bay - An Indian Cultural program of the season; Presented by Christ Church of India; Venue: Christ Church of India, San Jose, California; Contact: www.christchurchofIndia.org 6:30pm. Monthly Tamil Mass, Rosary, Children Liturgy and Get-together; Organized by Bay Area Tamil Catholic Community; Venue: St.Joseph's Church, Mountain View, California; Contact: www.tamilcatholic.org |
December 11, 2016, Sunday 10am. Children & Youth Christmas Service; Organized by Atlanta Tamil Church; Venue: Atlanta Tamil Church, Norcross, Georgia; Contact: www.atlantatamilchurch.org, 770.723.1711 3pm. Bharathiar Birthday Celebration 2016 - A special talk by Dr. Vijaya Bharati - the grand daughter of Sri. Mahakavi and author of the official treatise of Bharathiyaar’s creations (Published by and available in Amazon); Organized by Bharati Tamil Sangam; Venue: Jain Temple, Milpitas, California; Contact: Murali Jambu: 650.619.2380, Priya Shankar: 650.743.5681, www.bharatitamilsangam.org
December 16, 2016, Friday 6pm. Donor Appreciation Banquet for Sangam Professorship/Tamil Chair at Harvard University; Organized by the Tamil Community Organizations in Dallas area & Tamil Chair Inc, Texas Chapter; Venue: Mar Thoma Event Center, Dallas, Texas; Contact: www.harvardtamilchairtx.org, htcidallas@gmail.com, fb.com/HarvardTamilChairTX
December 17, 2016, Saturday 1pm. Cultural & Musical Evening with Super Singers Jessica Judes, V-Sh#rp Vasanth & Prabhu Shankar team; Organized by the Tamil Community Organizations in Dallas area & Tamil Chair Inc, Texas Chapter; Venue: Mar Thoma Event Center, Dallas, Texas; Contact: www.harvardtamilchairtx.org, htcidallas@gmail.com, fb.com/HarvardTamilChairTX 5pm. Saaral - Thiraiisayil Marabisai - Classical influence in Film Music - A light and classical music concert; Presented by Sri. Madurai G.S. Mani; Organized by Cancer Institute and Bay Area Tamil Manram; Venue: CET Soto Theatre, San Jose, California; Contact: www.cifwia.org, www.bayareatamilmanram.org
December 18, 2016, Sunday 9am. Breakfast Meet & Greet with Sri. Madurai GS. Mani along with sharing his experiences in the film music world with Music director MS. Viswanathan; Organized by Cancer Institute Foundation and Bharati Tamil Sangam; Venue: Tirupathi Bhimas Restaurant, Milpitas, California; Contact: www.cifwia.org, www.bayareatamilmanram.org
December 17-25, 2016, Saturday-Sunday Sri Sri Maha Periyava Aaradhana; Program features Athi Rudram - chanting of Sri Rudram for 121 times; See Ad for more details; Organized by Sri Kamakshi Community Center; Venue: SKCC Premises, Santa Clara, California; Contact: Sri. Chandramouli: 925.337.5262, kanchikamashi@gmail.com, www.srikamakshi.org; Register online to participate in Athi Rudram.
December 18, 2016, Sunday 10am. Family Sing Song Service; Organized by Atlanta Tamil Church; Venue: Atlanta Tamil Church, Norcross, Georgia; Contact:www.atlantatamilchurch.org, 770.723.1711 4pm. Bhakti Sugandham - The fragrance of Devotion; Program features accomblished dancers from Houston and around the US in a classical dance ballet glorifying the Nava Rasas in Srimad Bhagavatam; Organized by Global Organization for Divinity; Venue: CA Nelson Auditorium, Pearland, Texas; Contact: www.godivinity.org, 281.402.6585
December 25, 2016, Sunday 10am. Christmas Service; Organized by Atlanta Tamil Church; Venue: Atlanta Tamil Church, Norcross, Georgia; Contact: www.atlantatamilchurch.org, 770.723.1711
December 31, 2016, Sunday 10:30pm. Thanksgiving & New Year Service; Organized by Atlanta Tamil Church; Venue: Atlanta Tamil Church, Norcross, Georgia; Contact: www.atlantatamilchurch.org, 770.723.1711
January 1, 2017, Sunday 10am. Sunday Worship Service; Organized by Atlanta Tamil Church; Venue: Atlanta Tamil Church, Norcross, Georgia; Contact: www.atlantatamilchurch.org, 770.723.1711
January 2-3, 2017, Monday-Tuesday Indo American Festival - Carnatic Vocal and Instrumental music performances by Prasanna Venkatesh (Vocal - Jan. 2nd, 3pm), V.K.Raman (Flute - Jan. 2nd, 7pm), Kiranavali Vidyasagar (Vocal - Jan. 3rd, 5pm); Venue: Narada Gana Sabha, Alwarpet, Chennai; Contact: www.cmana.org
January 21, 2017, Saturday 8pm. Carnatic Vocal Concert by Thanmayee Krishnamurthy; Organized by Dhvani - India Performing Arts Society of Central Ohio; Venue: Battelle Fine Arts Center, Westerville, Ohio; Contact: www.dhvaniohio.org
January 28, 2017, Saturday 10am. St. Thyagaraja Day Celebrations; Student performances; Organized by Shruthi Swara Laya; Venue: Shruthi Swara Laya premises, Fremont, California; Contact: www.Shruthiswaralaya.com |