October 2005: Events Calendar |
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If you want events to be included, please e-mail details to thendral@tamilonline.com. Though we try our best to provide accurate information, we urge you to check details with the host organization before attending an event.
Ongoing: 9am - 5.30pm. "Pranahuti Aided Meditation", Training held by the Institute of Sriramchandra Consciousness, every 2nd Saturday of the month in the Bay Area. Free for all. Contact: Vidyadar Joshi 408.973.8667, www.sriramchandra.org,isrc_ca@yahoo.com
Sept. 04, 11, 18, 25 Tuesdays 12 noon. Siddha Samadhi Yoga Classes at Shiva Vishnu Temple, Livermore, California, Contact: Temple 925.449.6255, www.livermoretemple.org
Sept. 05, 12, 19, 26 Wednesdays 6-9am. "ItsDiff" Tamil radio program every Wednesday at 90.1 FM, KZSU, Stanford, California; Contact: Srikant Srinivasa, itsdiff@gmail.com
Sept. 06, 13, 20, 27 Thursdays 1pm - 3pm. Carnatic Radio on 90.1FM KZSU Stanford, The program is one hour of carnatic music and Gharana music. Contact: Parag,info@kzsu.stanford.edu
7:30-9pm. Weekly Satsanghs; Organized by Shirdi Sai Parivaar; Venue: Odd Fellows Temple, Cupertino, California; Contact:www.shirdisaiparivaar.org
Sept 02, 09, 16, 23, 30 Sundays Bala Vihar classes at Chinmaya Mission in Danville, Fremont, Los Altos, San Jose, and San Ramon, California. Curriculum includes Tamil language instruction; Contact: 408.998.2793, sanjose@chinmayamission.org, www.chinmaya-sanjose.org/balvihar.html
9:30am-10am- Tamil Class taught at the Hindu Temple of Atlanta, Riverdale, Georgia; Also offering Dance classes, Hatha Yoga, Adult Gita, and Balavihar class. Contact: 770.907.7102, feedback@hindutempleofatlanta.org,www.hindutempleofatlanta.org
9:30-10:30am. TAMIL WORSHIP; Venue: Faith Lutheran Church (Sancturary) 37635 Dequindre Road MI 48083 (Between 16 &17 Mile Road) Contact: Rev. Arul J Alexeander 248-402-8040; tamil@faithtroy.org Web: http://www.faithtroy.org/tamil
11am-12:30pm. Tamil songs, Tiruppugazh taught at the Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago, Lemont, Illinois. Also offering Sanskrit, bhajan classes. Contact: Jayanthi Balachandran 630.325.2985, Usha Narayanan at 630.527.9308 or the Temple front desk. info@ramatemple.org,www.ramatemple.org
5.30pm - St.John’s Tamil Lutheran Congregation - Church congregation of Tamil Speaking public from Asia; Location: 47 Winthrop Street, Williston Park, New York, Contact: Rev. Rathinasamy 718.747.6242, 516.742.5858
5pm to 6pm (EST): 'Tamil Amudham' Metro Detroit/Ann Arbor's Tamil Radio program: Every Sunday at 1460 AM; Can be heard at www.wpon.com; Archives at www.tamilamudham.com; Contact: Program Director Dr. V.S Balanethiram 248.641.7684. Features news roundup, children’s program, kadhai amudham, mazhalai amudam |
Weekly Chinmaya Mission, California conducts weekly discourses on Bhagavad Gita, Upadesha Saara, Sreemad Bhagavatam, Vedanta Saara, Upadesha Saara, Advaita Vedanta - Ishavasya Upanishad, Advaita Vedanta - Vivekachoodamani and Guided Meditation; Locations: Sandeepany, San Jose; Lincoln High School, San Jose; Washington High School, Fremont; Los Cerros Middle School, Danville; Contact: 408-998-2793; www.chinmaya-sanjose.org
Oct. 01 & Oct. 02, Saturday & Sunday 4pm. Vibes - Discover the emotions; Featuring dances from Tamil and other South Indian movies; Presented by Sanhiti - A South Indian Dance Troupe; An Association of India Development benefit program; Location: Cubberly Theater, Palo Alto, California; Contact: www.sanhiti.org; Janani: 408.241.3472
Wednesday, Oct. 5th 7pm. Carnatic Vocal Music concert by Anu Suresh & Manasa Suresh; Organized by Shruthi Swara Laya; Venue: 1055 Lily Ave, Sunnyvale, California; Contact: Shruthi Swara Laya 510.490.4629
Oct. 6th-16th Mill Valley Film Festival; Independent and international cinema presented by the California Film Institute, Mill Valley & San Rafael, California; Contact:www.mvff.com
Friday, Oct. 7th - Sunday, Oct. 16th Navarathri Celebration Concerts by students of Shruthi Swara Laya; 5-7pm (Friday, Oct. 7th), 10am (Sunday, Oct. 9th), 7pm (Friday, Oct. 14th), 8am (Saturday, Oct.15th), 9:30am (Sunday, Oct. 16th); Venue: Shruthi Swara Laya, Fremont, California; Contact: 510.490.4629
Saturday, Oct. 08th 7pm.Tamil mass; service starts at 6:45pm; Venue: St. Joseph Parish, Mountain View, California; Contact: 650.967.3831;www.tamilcatholic.org,
Kathalikka Neramundu & Mounam Sangadam; Starring YG.Mahendran; Organized by New England Tamil Sangam; Contact: tamil@netamilsangam.org, www.netamilsangam.org
Diwali (Multicultural) Festival of Lights in Cupertino; Day time festivities include: Ethnic Foods, Fun Booths, Multicultural Music and Dance Performances, Diwali (Lighting of the Lamp) by Mayor of Cupertino; Conducted by the Asian American Business Council in association with City of Cupertino; Free; Contact: Cupertino Chamber of Commerce 408.252.7054,www.cupertino-chamber.org/diwalisite/index.html
Sunday, Oct. 9th 11am-6pm.3rd Annual Excelsior Festival; Multi-ethnic street fair with food vendors, arts, crafts and entertainment for children; Location: Ocean & Mission Streets, San Francisco, California; Contact:www.excelsiorfestival.org, 415.585.0110
Tuesday, Oct. 11 7pm.Exploring Nantotech - Perils and promises of Nanotech; Panel discussion with John Balbus, Christine Peterson (Founder, Foresight Nanotech Institute),Norm Wu (Alameda Capital); Organized by Commonwealth Club; Altera Corporation Headquarters, Bldg. 3 Auditorium, San Jose, California; Contact: www.commonwealthclub.org
Friday, Oct. 14th 7:30pm. Shyama - An Indian Classical Bharathanatyam Ballet by Shobana and an ensemble of four artists; Organized by Association of India's Development (AID) in association with Rasika Indian Arts and Culture council; Venue: Roswell Cultural Arts Center, Georgia; Contact: Srini 770.363.4277,atlanta@aidindia.org
Saturday, Oct. 15th 9-11:30am. Junior Bird Hike; Chilren Ages 7-11; Organized by HiddenVilla.org; Learn about bird identification, migration & how feathers work; Contact:www.hiddenvilla.org; Tickets: $10/child
4pm. Carnatic Music Concert; Organized by CAMAGA; Master Balamuralikrishna (Vocal), Bangalore Ganesh Prasad (Violin), Trivandrum Balaji (Mridangam); Location: Hindu Temple of Atlanta Auditorium, Atlanta; Contact:www.camaga.org
5:30pm. Bharatanatyam Program performed by students of Nrithyalayaa, Choreographed by Sudha Srinivasan; Contact: 630.969.2979;Shreeseeni@yahoo.com
6pm. Carnatic Flute concert by Sashank; Organized by South Indian Music Academy; Venue: Hoover Middle School Auditorium, Lakewood, California; Contact: 626.794.0695
7pm. Innisai Iravu - 100% Tamil Light Cine Music by popular Music Director Bharadwaj; Organized by US Raj Pictures & Tamil Padam; Venue: Long Beach Polytechnic High, Long Beach, California; Contact:www.tamilpadam.com, Mahen: 323.327.8903, Hari: 818.339.8049, Balaji: 310.697.3328; Tickets: $15-$100
7pm. Reception to raise funds for victims of Hurricane Katrina; Meet an eminent gathering of top Indian personalities; Organized by US India Political Action Committee (USINPAC); RSVP by Oct. 10th to Dolly Kapoor, Director, Membership Outreach; dkapoor@usinpac.com, 571.722.4071; www.usinpac.com
Sunday, Oct. 16th 1:30pm. Bay Area Tamil Manram Elections; Location: Milpitas Library, Milpitas, California; Contact: www.bayareatamilmanram.org; Thillai Kumaran 408.857.0181, Rajan Sadagopan 510.825.2971
3:30-5pm. Sustainable Building - Tour; Features solar electric generation, rammed earth, recycled building material and more; Contact:a href="http://www.hiddenvilla.org">www.hiddenvilla.org
4pm. Mega Tamil Light Music Program by Popular Music Director Bharadwaj; Organized by Holistic Entertainment and Kalalaya; Venue: Foothill College, Los Altos, California; Contact: Kala 510.796.5252; Tickets: $25-$100
4-8pm. Shirdi Sai Mahasamadhi and Dassera Commemorations; Organized by Shirdi Sai Parivaar; Location: Presidential Ballroom, Sunnyvale Community Center, California; Contact:www.shirdisaiparivaar.org
Wednesday, Oct. 19th 5:30pm. Price Cobbs, Author of 'My American Life: From Rage to Entitlement' in conversation with Ms. Kamala Harris, District Attorney of San Francisco; Venue: Club office, San Francisco, California; Contact:www.commonwealthclub.org
Oct. 19th - 23rd 8th Annual United Nations Association Film Festival; Sponsored by Stanford Film Society and the United Nations Association Midpeninsula Chapter; 2005 Theme: A Statement of Hope and Courage; Screening Locations: Cubberley Auditorium and Annenberg Auditorium; Contact: www.stanford.edu/group/sfs/
Saturday, Oct. 22nd 10am-1pm. Mushroom Hike. Wade Leschyn of Mycological Society of San Francisco, discusses identifying families of mushrooms (edible and poisonous) Contact: www.hiddenvilla.org; $10 per person; For Children 10+ years.
4pm. Dance Program by Ms. Malavika Sarukkai; Organized by South India Fine Arts (SIFA); Venue: Foothill College, Main Campus, Los Altos, California; Contact: info@southindiafinearts.org, www.southindiafinearts.org; Tickets: $22-$75
Sunday, Oct. 23 6pm. Musical Concert by Pt. Jasraj to support Katrina Relief efforts; Organized by Indian Association for Human Values; Location: Smithwick Theater, Foothill College, Los Altos Hills, California; Contact: (888)585-8353;sfba@iahv.org, www.iahv.org
Monday, Oct. 24 5:30pm. Between two words: Escape from Tyranny: Growing up in the Shadow of Saddam - A meet the author program; Meet Author Zainab Salbi, the founder of Women for Women International; Organized by The World Affairs Council, co-sponsored by the International Museum of Women; Venue: World Affairs Council, San Francisco, California; Contact: www.itsyourworld.org
Friday, Oct. 28 Noon. Meet Louis J. Freeh, Former Director of FBI & Author of 'My FBI' - Bringing down the Mafia, Investigating Bill Clinton and Fighting the war on terror; Venue: Club Office, San Francisco, California; Contact:www.commonwealthclub.org
Saturday, Oct. 29 6pm. A Grand Dance Program by Nritya Choodamani, Urmila Satyanarayana with live music by artists from India; Organized and co-sponsored by Hema Rajagopalan & P. Rajagopalan; www.natya.com;shreeseeni@yahoo.com Time - TBD. 'enga aNNi' - a full length social play by local artists, created by Dr. Anantha & Tamil Stage Creations; Venue: Jewish Community Center; Contact:www.bkmhouston.org; Satheesh Kumar 281.240.9461
Saturday, Nov. 05 5:30-9:30pm. Deepavali Local Talent and Cultural Program; Hosted by Austin Tamil Sangam; Venue: Murchison Middle School, Austin; Contact: Shankar Palaniyandi 512.791.1015; www.austintamilsangam.org
6pm. Gala Musical Evening of Golden Hits;Presented by Shruthilaya,Supported by Greater Atlanta Tamil Sangam; Venue: Meadow Creek High School, Norcross, Georgia; Contact: 678.714.6851, www.shruthilaya.us, www.gatamilsangam.org; Tickets: $15.Sangam AGM & Tamil Luau; Presented by Tamil Youths of Ilankai Tamil Sangam; Venue: DoubleTree Hotel; Somerset, New Jersey; Contact:www.sangam.org |